
KO is a sugah-daddy


So, I googled Keith Olbermann tonight. Partly because I have an unhealthy obsession with him and partly because it is helping me procrastinate (I should be writing a paper). Amid the hotness that are his headshots, I found out that he:
  1. was born in 1959, making him 10 years older than my hubby (I had guesstimated maybe 2-3 years tops).
  2. his girlfriend is my age (50/2) and HOT.

This leads me to believe that dreams really do come true. And I'm not the only 20-something year old to lust after KO.

Oh yeah, GO AL FRANKEN!!! Woot!

60 Senate Seats = It's our turn now, bitches!


No Special Rights For Christians!

Something about the town I live in really pisses me off.

Sunday is my day of the week to run errands (and it used to be my day to work a double not too long ago). On Sundays, in my town and the next one over (where I used to work and now usually run my errands), I get stopped by traffic-directing law enforcement officers for 5-20 minutes at 3 different points on my commute. This made me late to work almost every Sunday, even if I added the expected time I'd be sitting in this unnecessary traffic. And it is definitely an inconvenience that usually incites road rage for me almost weekly now. The unavoidable road where this occurs is a 55 mph farm road with one lane going each way. The establishments who get this kind of special treatment? Churches.

My tax dollars are being spent to make church-going more convenient for the people attending. The traffic in front of the church is not dangerous, nor inconvenient, for those already on the road. It is only inconvenient for the church-goers to have to wait their god-damn turn to enter traffic from the church parking lot. How is this not infringing on my right to an expedient commute? So, just because I don't attend church, is my time less important?

In addition, this is not a volunteer post by the police department. I know a couple of the guys who get put on "traffic control" duty. There are always two paid officers at each location, directing traffic when church lets out, stopping those on the road to let all the church-goers out of their parking lot.

I'm sorry, but when does being a church-going Christian gain special privileges and protection paid for by the government? How can you bitch about being "persecuted" and "held down" by the same institution that literally stops traffic to give you the "right-of-way?" Don't even get me started on your protest of the "special rights and protections" that the "privileged" LGBT community is asking for. You know, like the right that everyone else has to get married and protection against hate crimes. Except the "special privileges" you decry are actually equal rights and protections that should cover all citizens, while blocking traffic so you can get your 9 1/2 screaming children to Chili's in time for lunch specials is most definitely a "special privilege" that no one (in their right mind anyway) would categorize to be an inalienable right.

I have an idea. Why don't you use some of your famous "Christian patience" and wait your eff-ing turn. Hey, maybe if you pray hard enough, God will open the roads up like he parted the Red Sea for Moses! Then my tax money can go to something actually beneficial to the community, like fixing the god-damn road you are so desparate to get onto and paying the police department to protect our citizens (all of them) from actual danger.


Free Show

So, the "new" dress I got at the thrift store this weekend...turns out it is see-thru. I did not notice this until, wearing said dress, I was walking to class this morning. It is moments like these that really test your confidence. Your welcome, students and faculty of SCU.

At least I can hide in the library for the rest of the day...


Ana Marie Cox...I love you...

So here is the video I promised from The Rachel Maddow Show last night featuring my new soul mate, Ana Marie Cox. She's actually wearing a Dr. Suess T-shirt under her suit jacket. *Sigh* I'm in love.

My newest soul mate

I saw my soul mate on Rachel Maddow last night. She joked that the only news worthy thing about Senator Ensign's affair was the fact that a Republican actually got someone to sleep with him. I'll post the video clip later. I'm in love!



Sexual desire is by far my greatest motivation (Thanks, hypothalamus and limbic system, for your seemingly non-stop input). I'm not saying that sex is the only thing that motivates me (Sorry, Freud), but it can definitely light a fire under my ass.

A hypothetical situation to help you better understand this concept: I would make the worst spy ever. I would sabotage the first mission assigned to me by using my "spyhood" to pick up potential lovers in this manner: "Hey, can I buy you a drink? *insert small talk here* Well, I can't tell you what I do for a living because I'm in espionage but you seem trustworthy....Want to come up to my room so I can show you the top-secret, classified documents I keep in my panties?"

Anyway, I watched a spy movie over the weekend and this was the conclusion I drew in putting myself in a spy-themed daydream.

I'd curse my double-Scorpio status, but I can't be a very good atheist if I put any stock in astrology. Although, I can say my horoscope is way more entertaining than the bible.


Summer I

Well, my first day of the Summer I semester started today. Both of my classes are awesome. My Psych Tests & Measurements class will be interesting and there are a couple of people from Dr. A's class last semester in it so I have some company. The professor is really sweet and cuts to the chase. I've heard great things about her classes so I'm content.

The professor of my Modern Political Thought class is awesome. He's a huge Obama fan. He asked the class if we knew who Mrs. Sotomayor was and no one could answer so I went ahead and repeated her resume, life story, and position (appellate judge). Am I the only person who listens to NPR?? Ha. He was impressed anyway. The class is going to be so awesome. All we are going to do is discuss political philosophy. I do that in my spare time! He also said he prefers to focus on the discussion aspect of the class and he will give us review sheets for the tests that will cover everything we need to know (in other words, no surprise questions). Sweetness. Tomorrow we are discussing Plato.

I also took advantage of SCU's fitness center finally. I knew if I didn't start today, I'd put it off forever. Dude, they have the most amazing treadmills ever. These fancy machines have built in A/C that you control, Personal TV screen with Cable (I watched Hardball with Chris Matthews while jogging), places to plug in your headphones, music channels, fitness tests, heart-rate monitors, and giant convience containers for water/phones/whatever. I'll go work out just to use these treadmills!

Anyway, it was a productive day. I now must go shower and read 60 pages of Strauss discussing Plato.




So today I found out that I am a Step-M.I.L.F. (or SMILF). I think it's a cross between a smurf and a hot mom.

That is all.



(Originally posted on 5/26/09 at 6:49 AM)

I am so sick of being an insomniac. Where did the time of sleeping for 10-14 hours a night on my vacations go?

Since school has been out, I've been lucky to fall asleep between 7 and 9am for a few hours.

The ambien doesn't work. The soft music, reading, tv background noise, nor complete silence/darkness works. I've tried it all. The glass(es) of wine in the tub, snuggling, not snuggling, moving to the couch...all failures. Bleh.

And it's not the kind of insomnia that could maybe allow me to be productive with the extra hours at night. It is more like desperate zombie-insomnia so I just lay there and be a desperate zombie trying not to think about how I'm not sleeping.

Other than that, everything is fine.

Dr. A asked me to be on his research team for a study he will be conducting. It is awesome. Dr. A is a cross between Dr. Drew Pinsky and Keith Olbermann. He's witty, liberal, atheist, brilliant, and charming (as far as I can tell). Not that any of that matters when it comes to people I will be working with/for/under but it all definitely raises my motivation to be the best research assistant ever. The experience won't look bad on my grad degree application either. ;)

Banana Mouse is thriving. He is no longer content to sleep on me. He just wants to tunnel through my clothes and try to explore the bed. He's a fast little bugger too. He's got a pimped out cage tho and watching him eat sunflower seeds is my new favorite tv show. Mission accomplished (except for that whole not staying put thing).

I have registered for 2 summer I classes and 2 summer II classes. Round 1 starts June 8 so I suppose I should actually do something productive with my time off instead of sitting around the house reading Al Franken books and watching House reruns but it's so damn tempting to do just that! So that is basically all I've been up to since school got out. Anyway, I suppose I'll go lay down and muse about not sleeping some more.

Rectal Exams and Ringtones

(Originally posted on 3/11/09 at 8:13 PM)

hey there

last week I had 2 of the most embarrassing moments of my life in the same day. Thought I'd share...

1st, I was bleeding...from the booty...so I went to the ER per DH's insisting. I was also in a lot of pain so probably good thing I went. Well, the doc I got was this huge Italian mafia-looking doctor with giant fingers. He had me "assume the position" and stuck one of those giant fingers entirely into my rectum...while the hottest nurse I've ever seen stood by and watched (DH tried to reassure me that "maybe she liked it" ha). anyway i was fine (nothing major, just stress-induced colon blockage ha).

2nd, While taking my PhysioPsych exam, my phone went off. I couldn't find it so the entire ringtone played. Twice. Not that big of a deal, right? happens all the time...

Well, my ringtone goes something like this (by Of Montreal):

Want you to be my pleasure puss

I wanna know what it's like to be inside you...

Thankfully Dr. A just laughed and pretended not to look up from his book but the entire class laughed. I now have flashbacks when my phone rings.

That's all. I'll post a pic of my blockage xray later.

- Me

Ps at least I got a 96 on the test!

All the updates...

(Originally posted on 2/27/09 at 3:14 PM)

Well, Let's see...

Taking 15 hours at SCU this spring: Psychology of Women (should be named Liberal Feminism ha), Physiological Psychology, Abnormal Psych, Logic & Critical Thinking (A Philosophy class that teaches people to think like I already do :p), and Applied Stats.

Classes are all going well. All A's so far. My abnormal psych professor is super-hot. It makes getting up so early (8am start time) worth it just so I can stare at her.

I stay in SCU-Town 2 nights a week with my friend, Mel. I have classes 4 days a week so the commute is just too much. Plus we're in a couple of the same classes so we get some major studying done.

I got fired from my job yesterday. This did not come as a surprise. I hated that job and I would have fired me too. Apparently they didn't like the fact that I did my homework during my shift (there was nothing else to do, trust me. they just wanted me to stand there doing nothing...fuck a bunch of that). Plus they heard me say, on one of the tapes (security cameras with audio?? PSSSSHHAWWW), that the manager's daughter/bookkeeper was dumber than a post. She is. I know this because I was once a store manager and I knew everything about my store, not just how to kinda do some stuff, sometimes. I didn't know they were eavesdropping. haha. Anyway, I'm glad I got fired because I really didn't want to work this week.

I need a part-time job. I can't do the full time thing anyway.

Things at home are good. I miss the kids (I haven't been able to spend ANY time with them since school started). DH and I have been able to get a couple hours here and there in though and we're great.

That's about it, folks.


- DH

Oh, Kurt...

(Originally posted on 1/08/09 at 9:58 AM)

...vonnegut. How I miss you so.

I have been reading and rereading Vonnegut again. What a great mind. I am glad that he left his mark on the world the way that he did so that I could discover it.

I wish he had been able to live forever.

Kurt Vonnegut is up in heaven now.

Graduation Ire

(Originally posted on 12/12/08 at 9:30 AM)


Today I am setting a predecent for a "insert my maiden/parents' last name here" in getting a college degree. Although I am working towards Ph.D. ,and this is only 1 of 4 degrees in my future, it is still quite the accomplishment. I've never graduated from anything before. My parents home "schooled" me (handed my the curriculum and answer books so I could teach myself) and refused to even get my my senior year of highschool, which ended up not mattering anyway because they never kept track of my credits. I would have had to get my GED anyway.

Growing up, I was taught that college was a "worldy endeavor" and would be a waste of time "in the Kindom of Heaven". College, education, and science was looked down upon in my family. My parents never asked me what I wanted to do with my life. They just constantly pressured me to be a musician, but would have accepted housewife as equally "honorable". I wanted to be a doctor, my parents tried to force me into the christian music scene. I got a guitar instead of an education. I was told I was supposed to become an "obedient and submitting wife" and not an educated and independent woman.

But somehow, against the odds, I said "Fuck you, mom and dad. I'm going to college," and I moved out, got my GED, and got into college without anyone helping me figure out how this was done (they don't have guidance counselors in home school). And I did it, I am now a college graduate.

So as I walk the stage today, in my honors regalia, with my proud husband and stepson looking on from the audience, I will accept my degree with the knowledge that I fucking earned this moment. And no one can take that away from me, not even my absent parents, who are saving the gas money it would take to see their daughter graduate from college to get them to a "gig" (aka open-mic night) at a coffee house that they play at weekly.

Thanks, mom and dad. I owe none of this to you.


(Originally posted on 11/4/08 at 7:48 PM)

I just got 100 on my last Statistics test, which is amazing seeing how I skipped a bunch of classes before this last test. Everyone was all "Oh, well lookie here, she shows up for the test" on Thursday. I bet they won't make fun of me when I "accidentally" flash my test score. :p

I still haven't gotten a grade lower than a 92 on anything I've turned in this semester. All my class avgs are 96 or above. Not drinking during the semester really works. I even feel smarter this semester.

I applied for Graduation. And applied to SCU. Woot!

Cute Stepmom Moment!

(Originally posted on 10/14/08 at 5:13 PM)

I really don't have time to write a blog right now because I have a test, paper, and art project with 5 parts due tomorrow but...

I just had a really cute stepmom moment and I wanted to share.

In our house, my Phi Theta Kappa certificate and dean's list notification certificate are framed and hung on the wall (I worked hard, I want to show off my achievements!).

Well, my youngest stepson, #2 (11), is really proud of them. I didn't realize this until a couple weeks ago when I overheard him showing them off to his cousin and explaining how I always study and my grades are all A's. #2 and I have bonded over our shared ADHD diagnoses and I help him with tricks and shortcuts I have learned to help with schoolwork and tests.

Anyway, tonight, as I am working on my paper, #2 comes into the bedroom, proudly toting his latest report card with all A's & one B. He shows it to me and says, "Look at my report card. And I framed it!" He is grinning from ear to ear. I totally cuted out. I guess I don't really think of myself as one of the people that my stepsons look up to because of my limited time with them, but this moment showed me that #2 does look at me as someone he can relate to and emulate. So rewarding. :)

It's funny because when my sisters used to copy me when we were kids, I would get totally pissed. It is totally different when your kids (or stepkids) copy you. It shows that they think of you as someone they want to be like...at least in some ways.


This is devastating

(Originally posted on 4/12/07 at 12:44 PM)

Kurt Vonnegut, one of the - if not THE- greatest authors of all time has died today at the age of 84. I'm sure he is resting in peace.
If you have never heard of him, you need to get familiar with his work. I reccomend Cat's Cradle or Slaughterhouse Five. He has been my favourite author since the first time I picked up one of his books. I now own all of them and have read them all twice.
He was a brilliant free-thinker and 'religious skeptic'. He definitely deserved the respect he received in his lifetime.You can read the article on MSN about his life here
I would definitely reccomend taking some time out to remember such a great man today.