

(Originally posted on 5/26/09 at 6:49 AM)

I am so sick of being an insomniac. Where did the time of sleeping for 10-14 hours a night on my vacations go?

Since school has been out, I've been lucky to fall asleep between 7 and 9am for a few hours.

The ambien doesn't work. The soft music, reading, tv background noise, nor complete silence/darkness works. I've tried it all. The glass(es) of wine in the tub, snuggling, not snuggling, moving to the couch...all failures. Bleh.

And it's not the kind of insomnia that could maybe allow me to be productive with the extra hours at night. It is more like desperate zombie-insomnia so I just lay there and be a desperate zombie trying not to think about how I'm not sleeping.

Other than that, everything is fine.

Dr. A asked me to be on his research team for a study he will be conducting. It is awesome. Dr. A is a cross between Dr. Drew Pinsky and Keith Olbermann. He's witty, liberal, atheist, brilliant, and charming (as far as I can tell). Not that any of that matters when it comes to people I will be working with/for/under but it all definitely raises my motivation to be the best research assistant ever. The experience won't look bad on my grad degree application either. ;)

Banana Mouse is thriving. He is no longer content to sleep on me. He just wants to tunnel through my clothes and try to explore the bed. He's a fast little bugger too. He's got a pimped out cage tho and watching him eat sunflower seeds is my new favorite tv show. Mission accomplished (except for that whole not staying put thing).

I have registered for 2 summer I classes and 2 summer II classes. Round 1 starts June 8 so I suppose I should actually do something productive with my time off instead of sitting around the house reading Al Franken books and watching House reruns but it's so damn tempting to do just that! So that is basically all I've been up to since school got out. Anyway, I suppose I'll go lay down and muse about not sleeping some more.

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